How many trips does it take to get a copy of the apartment keys?
1 - Trip to ferretaria down the block. I just love this word ferretaria since it sounds like a store to buy ferrets. Fer means iron. It's the hardware store.
2 - The shoe repair and key store around the corner. (closed)
3 - Same store again - open, and he ruins are key. AND he's grumpy. Alex cleverly decides that he's probably pretty embarrassed to botch the job.
4 - Benito gets one copy at a new serious key shop. We need to wait several days for that shop to get the blank key from another town.
5 - At the store, they tell me, Manana
6 - Again. Manana.
7 - Luego (later today).
8 - SUCCESS! We finally have two sets of keys and are no longer so dependent on each other.
Final score = 8
Awesome. BTW, in Dutch a hardware store is called either an "ijzerhandel" (iron trade) or "ijzerwinkel" (iron store). Unfortunately they don't sell ferrets there either.