Fresh whole fish on the grill. It was too much to resist. We were at a friend’s house last weekend, enjoying grilled fish and veggies, and the countryside, the fresh air. I was in heaven. And feeling a bit homesick for the grill. I love our grill. It’s Jack’s grill, a 50th birthday present. But to tell the truth, he doesn’t use it as much as I do, though he reaps its rewards. I'm daydream about cooking back home…but back to grilling in Spain.
After the barbeque at Migel and Sonya’s house, I was aching for a grill. We have a lovely tiled terrace on the top floor of our building -- perfect to house a new grill. I remembered by aunt saying that grills had been banned from their apartment building in DC because they were a fire hazard. So I checked with Benito, the porter, who knows a lot about the rules. To my surprise, he didn’t think it was a problem.
So, I procured a portable grill and some coals, and headed to the market. I bought fresh fish, zucchini and pineapple to cook over the fire. They were tasty. Everyone enjoyed them. And the mom was happy.

The next day I bought BBQ sauce and chicken.
It was a little tricky starting the fire without adequate supplies. So much so that it started chipping away at the little thrill I was getting out of having a grill on the teraza. And I kept thinking about my aunt’s comment. And the fact that there is no fire escape in the building. Can you believe it? Apartment buildings here do not have fire escapes. If you can’t make it down the interior stairwell you are done in. I was having a hard time cooking my chicken with my pathetic little fire. And the joy was dwindling by the minute.
The next day Jack was telling his officemate about the new grill. “Are you crazy?! You can’t light a grill in an apartment building! Of course they aren’t allowed!”

I’m back to fantasizing about the beautiful, big grill on the deck at home. We’re close enough to our return date that I’m allowing myself these little indulgences.
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