Alex's school

Anna's school
We have finally crossed an enormous threshold – Alex and Anna are both enrolled in school. School starts next week, and both kids are expected in their respective classrooms. This was an enormous accomplishment and required the assistance of countless friends, acquaintances, and strangers. This was the purpose of most of our interactions with government bureaucracy. We delivered the final documents today. At both schools, teachers and administrators were exceptionally kind and welcoming. This was evident even when we could not understand all of what was said. Though both kids are experiencing some trepidation about arriving in a classroom with limited Spanish, we are confident that they will be fine. I feel a huge relief.
Across the street from Alex's school, we find the following sign posted as a cautionary tale to rebellious students.
In this building were located the supreme council and tribunal of the Inquisition from the 1780s until its extinction in 1820.
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